About Us


To simplify search for derma products and provide quality skin solutions to all.

Given the climate of India, skin problems are extremely common among people of all ages. However, most people fail to take action against their skin problems in due time. This is mainly because of the lack of available and trustable treatment options. That’s what we’re here to change. We are Skin Clinics, your virtual derma clinic.

We’re a one-stop shop for all skin woes. We have Specialized Skin Doctors, Clinics, and Products at our user’s disposal, all across Bengaluru. Be it a skin allergy, anti-tanning treatments, conditions like eczema, or any other skin ailments, we assure that we have a solution. We also let users keep track of their skin journey digitally with e-prescriptions and medical records. Getting the right care for skin is no more a challenge!

At Skin Clinics, we offer end-to-end skin treatments and products. Users can book a consultation from a wide range of dermatologists throughout Bengaluru. We’ve covered all specialities to help treat each and every skin problem. Users can also opt for an in-person consultation at any of our skin clinics available at all locations across Bengaluru.

We offer transparent solutions so users are informed about their condition and are a part of the treatment process. They can also learn more about their condition from our blogs and articles by dermatology experts. And together, we help treat skin conditions safely.